

Bestawaripeta is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Bestawaripeta
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Bestawaripeta
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Bestawaripeta Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Jaggambotla Krishnapuram 591146 395 Hectares 1402 523373
2 Ondutla 591147 530 Hectares 449 523334
3 Pusalapadu 591148 2512 Hectares 5466 523334
4 Bestawaripeta 591149 222 Hectares 7606 523334
5 Papayapalle 591150 177 Hectares 3387 523334
6 Somavarapeta 591151 268 Hectares 1098 523334
7 Chinthala Palem 591152 225 Hectares 976 523334
8 Nekunambad 591153 609 Hectares 964 523334
9 Salakalaveedu 591154 2614 Hectares 2681 523370
10 Dathara Krishnapuram 591155 165 Hectares -
11 China Obeneni Palle 591156 516 Hectares 988 523370
12 Retla Palle 591157 493 Hectares 553 523370
13 Peda Obeneni Palle 591158 648 Hectares 1126 523370
14 Pothavaram 591159 437 Hectares -
15 Pitikayagulla 591160 3403 Hectares 6197 523346
16 Basine Palle 591161 1764 Hectares 4741 523346
17 Madhana Pullala Cheruvu 591162 1462 Hectares 3575 523346
18 Moksha Gundum 591163 974 Hectares 2127 523334
19 Pachala Venkata Puram 591164 442 Hectares 1294 523346
20 Galijerugulla 591165 2512 Hectares 4490 523346
21 Kona Palle 591166 2949 Hectares 1942 523346

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