Bheemaganipalle & Modugulapalle is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Bheemaganipalle & Modugulapalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Punganur |
District | : | Chittoor |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Mittachinthavari Palle | 596540 | 3085 Hectares | 4252 | 517247 |
2 | Bodevaripalle | 596541 | 1558 Hectares | 3061 | 517247 |
3 | Chandramakula Palle | 596542 | 3541 Hectares | 3258 | 517247 |
4 | Palyampalle | 596543 | 1500 Hectares | 3884 | 517247 |
5 | Raganipalle (Rural) | 596544 | 1817 Hectares | 2609 | 517247 |
6 | Chadalla | 596545 | 930 Hectares | 1980 | 517247 |
7 | Bheemaganipalle | 596546 | 937 Hectares | 6081 | 517247 |
8 | Mangalam | 596547 | 1169 Hectares | 3336 | 517247 |
9 | Etavakili | 596548 | 679 Hectares | 1682 | 517247 |
10 | Magandlapalle | 596549 | 863 Hectares | 2058 | 517247 |
11 | Vanamaladinne | 596550 | 1656 Hectares | 5297 | 517247 |
12 | Aradigunta | 596551 | 925 Hectares | 2922 | 517247 |
13 | Melumdoddi | 596552 | 1595 Hectares | 3217 | 517247 |
14 | Punganur (Rural) | 596553 | 1193 Hectares | 2722 | 517247 |
15 | Kummaranatham | 596554 | 724 Hectares | 2066 | 517247 |
16 | Ethur | 596555 | 897 Hectares | 2070 | 517247 |
17 | Bandlapalle | 596556 | 762 Hectares | 1896 | 517247 |
18 | Nekkondi | 596557 | 1527 Hectares | 2565 | 517247 |
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