

Laxmidevipalle is belongs to Nizamabad district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Laxmidevipalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Bhiknoor
District : Nizamabad
State : Telangana

Nearest Laxmidevipalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Peddapalle 571564 199 Hectares 341 503110
2 Rajampet 571565 857 Hectares 5564 503110
3 Pondurthi 571566 870 Hectares 2437 503102
4 Jangampalle 571567 2056 Hectares 5168 503102
5 Talmadla 571568 1281 Hectares 3548 503101
6 Tippapur 571569 1818 Hectares 3959 503101
7 Rameshwarpalle 571570 483 Hectares 2574 503110
8 Anthampalle 571571 311 Hectares 1151 503101
9 Laxmidevipalle 571572 182 Hectares 779 503101
10 Kachapur 571573 1284 Hectares 3544 503101
11 Bhiknoor 571574 2709 Hectares 11787 503101
12 Gurjakunta 571575 121 Hectares 572 503101
13 Ryegatlapalle 571576 272 Hectares 825 503101
14 Baswapur 571577 1465 Hectares 4565 503101
15 Mallupalle 571578 485 Hectares 1302 503105
16 Peddamallareddy 571579 1904 Hectares 6451 503101
17 Kancherla 571580 495 Hectares 1582 503101
18 Isannapalle 571581 586 Hectares 1358 503101
19 Bhagirathipalle 571582 610 Hectares 2149 503101

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