

Bhoomireddipalle is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Bhoomireddipalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Yadamarri
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Bhoomireddipalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Madireddipalle 597039 1084 Hectares 3814 517422
2 Budithireddipalle 597040 341 Hectares 835 517422
3 Majara Kothapalle 597041 712 Hectares 1680 517422
4 Kukkalapalle 597042 698 Hectares 3213 517422
5 Konapalle 597043 278 Hectares 2073 517422
6 Jangalapalle 597044 542 Hectares 1587 517422
7 Madhavaram 597045 429 Hectares 2443 517422
8 Periyambadi 597046 278 Hectares 1503 517422
9 Yadamarri 597047 1176 Hectares 7584 517422
10 Gollapalle 597048 933 Hectares 6735 517422
11 Dasarapalle 597049 760 Hectares 1669 517422
12 Kasiralla 597050 360 Hectares 1915 517422
13 Bhoomireddipalle 597051 567 Hectares 1892 517422
14 Kanathalacheruvu 597052 89 Hectares 569 517422
15 Bodaguttapalle 597053 607 Hectares 4265 517422
16 Kammapalle 597054 98 Hectares 300 517422
17 Patrapalle 597055 254 Hectares 1929 517422
18 Modipalle 597056 31 Hectares 32 517422
19 Siddareddipalle 597057 195 Hectares 442 517422
20 Mudduramapuram 597058 104 Hectares 498 517422
21 Otiripalle 597059 247 Hectares 332 517422
22 Nadimpalle 597060 777 Hectares 2279 517422
23 Otivaripalle 597061 236 Hectares 586 517422
24 Kotalam 597062 345 Hectares 2001 517422

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