Bodanampadu is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Bodanampadu |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kurichedu |
District | : | Prakasam |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Jagannadhapuram | 590649 | 378 Hectares | - | |
2 | West Kasipuram | 590650 | 783 Hectares | 783 | 523304 |
3 | Kallur | 590651 | 1426 Hectares | 2786 | 523304 |
4 | West Naidupalem | 590652 | 2575 Hectares | 2515 | 523304 |
5 | Avulamanda | 590653 | 3208 Hectares | 3497 | 523304 |
6 | Mustla Gangavaram | 590654 | 1401 Hectares | 1135 | 523304 |
7 | West Veeraya Palem | 590655 | 1417 Hectares | 4224 | 523304 |
8 | Bayya Varam | 590656 | 866 Hectares | 783 | 523304 |
9 | Dekanakonda | 590657 | 1620 Hectares | 2536 | 523304 |
10 | Peddavaram | 590658 | 1519 Hectares | 1158 | 523304 |
11 | Namassivaya Puram | 590659 | 1452 Hectares | 2110 | 523304 |
12 | Mallaya Palem | 590660 | 1010 Hectares | - | |
13 | Kurichedu | 590661 | 2628 Hectares | 9027 | 523304 |
14 | Perambotla Palem | 590662 | 271 Hectares | 548 | 523304 |
15 | Potlapadu | 590663 | 2712 Hectares | 2616 | 523304 |
16 | Gangadona Konda | 590664 | 1902 Hectares | 1871 | 523304 |
17 | West Gangavaram | 590665 | 2032 Hectares | 2101 | 523304 |
18 | Alavalapadu | 590666 | 1103 Hectares | 1120 | 523304 |
19 | Bodanampadu | 590667 | 1137 Hectares | 1991 | 523304 |
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