Boorlapalle is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Boorlapalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Pedda Thippasamudram |
District | : | Chittoor |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Pattamvandlapalle | 596103 | 2545 Hectares | 5231 | 517391 |
2 | Kandukuru | 596104 | 3022 Hectares | 4414 | 517391 |
3 | Katnagallu | 596105 | 1639 Hectares | 2209 | 517391 |
4 | Jagadamvaripalle | 596106 | 67 Hectares | 12 | |
5 | Pulikallu | 596107 | 953 Hectares | 2284 | 517391 |
6 | Kamsalavandla Palle | 596108 | 580 Hectares | 821 | |
7 | Rangasamudram | 596109 | 2873 Hectares | 7506 | 517370 |
8 | Madunuru | 596110 | 1017 Hectares | 1337 | 517370 |
9 | Maddaiahgaripalle | 596111 | 1060 Hectares | 2538 | |
10 | Peddathippasamudram | 596112 | 1254 Hectares | 6443 | 517391 |
11 | Thummarakunta | 596113 | 3851 Hectares | 5644 | |
12 | T.Sadum | 596114 | 2118 Hectares | 4165 | 517391 |
13 | Ananthapuram | 596115 | 117 Hectares | 224 | |
14 | Chinnaponguppalle | 596116 | 130 Hectares | 260 | |
15 | Amallabandakota | 596117 | 132 Hectares | 123 | |
16 | Boorlapalle | 596118 | 2566 Hectares | 3702 | 517370 |
17 | Mallela | 596119 | 2266 Hectares | 3174 | 517370 |
18 | Sampathikota | 596120 | 1192 Hectares | 1621 | 517370 |
19 | Buchipalle | 596121 | 890 Hectares | 1371 |
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