

Govindapalle is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Govindapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Bukkaraya Samudram
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Govindapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Podaralla 595066 2157 Hectares 7635 515101
2 Janthulur 595067 1491 Hectares 2584 515701
3 Chedulla 595068 1044 Hectares 1621 515701
4 Korrapadu 595069 1611 Hectares 3712 515101
5 Chennampalle 595070 2857 Hectares 5474 515101
6 Bodiganidoddi 595071 1507 Hectares 2082 515701
7 Chennarayunipalle 595072 139 Hectares 50 515101
8 Siddampeta 595073 200 Hectares 430 515701
9 Govindapalle 595074 1288 Hectares 2130 515701
10 Bukkarayasamudram 595075 3536 Hectares 22000 515701
11 Reddipalle 595076 1368 Hectares 4935 515101
12 Siddarampuram 595077 2325 Hectares 4350 515701
13 Danduvaripalle 595078 2254 Hectares 2014 515701
14 Kondakinda Agraharam 595079 3313 Hectares 8367 515701

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