Govindapalle is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Govindapalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Bukkaraya Samudram |
District | : | Anantapur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Podaralla | 595066 | 2157 Hectares | 7635 | 515101 |
2 | Janthulur | 595067 | 1491 Hectares | 2584 | 515701 |
3 | Chedulla | 595068 | 1044 Hectares | 1621 | 515701 |
4 | Korrapadu | 595069 | 1611 Hectares | 3712 | 515101 |
5 | Chennampalle | 595070 | 2857 Hectares | 5474 | 515101 |
6 | Bodiganidoddi | 595071 | 1507 Hectares | 2082 | 515701 |
7 | Chennarayunipalle | 595072 | 139 Hectares | 50 | 515101 |
8 | Siddampeta | 595073 | 200 Hectares | 430 | 515701 |
9 | Govindapalle | 595074 | 1288 Hectares | 2130 | 515701 |
10 | Bukkarayasamudram | 595075 | 3536 Hectares | 22000 | 515701 |
11 | Reddipalle | 595076 | 1368 Hectares | 4935 | 515101 |
12 | Siddarampuram | 595077 | 2325 Hectares | 4350 | 515701 |
13 | Danduvaripalle | 595078 | 2254 Hectares | 2014 | 515701 |
14 | Kondakinda Agraharam | 595079 | 3313 Hectares | 8367 | 515701 |
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