

Chadalada is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Chadalada
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Peddapuram
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Chadalada Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 J. Thimmapuram 587341 823 Hectares 3872 533437
2 Kattamuru 587342 951 Hectares 8980 533437
3 Kandrakota 587343 521 Hectares 6090 533437
4 Marlava 587344 241 Hectares 3012 533437
5 Tirupati 587345 548 Hectares 3165 533433
6 Chandramampalle 587346 121 Hectares 1897 533450
7 Tatiparthi 587347 122 Hectares 2421 533433
8 Divili 587348 213 Hectares 4338 533433
9 Chadalada 587349 184 Hectares 2123 533433
10 Ulimeswaram 587350 225 Hectares 2031 533437
11 Gudivada 587351 62 Hectares 1548 533437
12 Pulimeru 587352 310 Hectares 3881 533433
13 Gorinta 587353 167 Hectares 3064 533433
14 Sirivada 587354 151 Hectares 1202 533437
15 Rameswaram 587355 261 Hectares -
16 Anuru 587356 1539 Hectares 6337 533437
17 Valuthimmapuram 587357 611 Hectares 1550 533437
18 Rayabhupalapatnam 587358 1502 Hectares 7725 533437
19 Chinabrahmadevam 587359 1032 Hectares 2683 533437
20 G. Ragampeta 587360 860 Hectares 4882 533437
21 Vadlamuru 587361 282 Hectares 3121 533437

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