Chandravelli is belongs to Adilabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Chandravelli |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Bellampalle |
District | : | Adilabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Ankusam | 570511 | 872 Hectares | 1032 | 504251 |
2 | Kannal (R) | 570512 | 1633 Hectares | 938 | 504251 |
3 | Chakepalle | 570513 | 828 Hectares | 2222 | 504272 |
4 | Budha Khurd (R) | 570514 | 355 Hectares | 3053 | 504251 |
5 | Budha Kalan (R) | 570515 | 1678 Hectares | 1854 | 504251 |
6 | Chandravelli | 570516 | 2344 Hectares | 1942 | 504251 |
7 | Rangapet | 570517 | 903 Hectares | 406 | 504251 |
8 | Dugnepalle | 570518 | 1002 Hectares | 467 | 504251 |
9 | Gurjal (R) @ Talla Gurjal | 570519 | 1301 Hectares | 2795 | 504251 |
10 | Akenipalle | 570520 | 3646 Hectares | 8864 | 504251 |
11 | Batwanpalle | 570521 | 584 Hectares | 1755 | 504251 |
12 | Perkapalle | 570522 | 556 Hectares | 1611 | 504251 |
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