

Kondapuram is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kondapuram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Chandur
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kondapuram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Ghattuppal 577289 1807 Hectares 6346 508255
2 Theratpalle 577290 2020 Hectares 3781 508225
3 Kondapuram 577291 1254 Hectares 1936 508255
4 Pullemla 577292 1073 Hectares 2670 508256
5 Bodangi Parthy 577293 728 Hectares 1313 508256
6 Kumandaniguda 577294 220 Hectares 618 508255
7 Sirdepalle 577295 725 Hectares 1230 508255
8 Idikuda 577296 1354 Hectares 2147 508255
9 Nermata 577297 1431 Hectares 1796 508255
10 Donipamula 577298 1321 Hectares 2792 508255
11 Bangarigadda 577299 1052 Hectares 2907 508255
12 Thummalapalle 577300 1011 Hectares 1547 508255
13 Gundrepalle 577301 1197 Hectares 1897 508255
14 Angadipeta 577302 1413 Hectares 2009 508255
15 Kasthala 577303 1563 Hectares 2858 508255
16 Udathala Palle 577304 805 Hectares 2139 508255

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