Changal is belongs to Nizamabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Changal |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Bheemgal |
District | : | Nizamabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Changal | 570843 | 1615 Hectares | 3756 | 503307 |
2 | Pedda Bheemgal | 570844 | 1852 Hectares | 5665 | 503307 |
3 | Babapur | 570845 | 54 Hectares | 3332 | 503307 |
4 | Jagriyal | 570846 | 706 Hectares | 1711 | 503307 |
5 | Kupkal | 570847 | 1218 Hectares | 954 | 503307 |
6 | Mendhora | 570848 | 1086 Hectares | 3295 | 503307 |
7 | Babanagar | 570849 | 539 Hectares | 1220 | 503307 |
8 | Puranipet | 570850 | 395 Hectares | 2442 | 503307 |
9 | Bheemgal | 570851 | 1557 Hectares | 15446 | 503307 |
10 | Lingapurchouth | 570852 | 254 Hectares | 901 | 503307 |
11 | Bejjora | 570853 | 781 Hectares | 2255 | 503307 |
12 | Sikandrapur | 570854 | 900 Hectares | 2378 | 503307 |
13 | Gongappul | 570855 | 1024 Hectares | 2977 | 503307 |
14 | Salampur | 570856 | 287 Hectares | 43 | 503307 |
15 | Muchkur | 570857 | 1140 Hectares | 4771 | 503307 |
16 | Pipri | 570858 | 1491 Hectares | 1834 | 503307 |
17 | Bachanpalle | 570859 | 298 Hectares | 1366 | 503307 |
18 | Pallikonda | 570860 | 1810 Hectares | 2876 | 503307 |
19 | Devan Palle | 570861 | 1178 Hectares | 806 | 503307 |
20 | Karepalle | 570862 | 1489 Hectares | 1080 | 503307 |
21 | Rahathnagar | 570863 | 326 Hectares | 1439 | 503307 |
22 | Gangarai | 570864 | 304 Hectares | 220 | 503307 |
23 | Thallapalle | 570865 | 1414 Hectares | 530 | 503307 |
24 | Devakkapet | 570866 | 546 Hectares | 1369 | 503307 |
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