

Chegur is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Chegur
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kothur
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Chegur Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Edulapalle 575212 1004 Hectares 1467
2 Mamidipalle 575213 1633 Hectares 3687
3 Chegur 575214 3136 Hectares 7832
4 Mallapur 575215 431 Hectares 1614
5 Gudur 575216 863 Hectares 2765
6 Thimmapur 575217 601 Hectares 3445
7 Theegapur 575218 470 Hectares 1485
8 Veerlapalle 575219 1403 Hectares 2959
9 Nandigam 575220 4125 Hectares 14996
10 Penjerla 575221 1273 Hectares 2526
11 Inmulnarva 575222 1214 Hectares 5151
12 Khajiguda 575223 109 Hectares 806
13 Kodicherla 575224 669 Hectares 1419
14 Seriguda (Bhadrai Palle) 575225 359 Hectares 1566
15 Siddapur 575226 1354 Hectares 3004

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