

Chellepahad is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Chellepahad
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Veepangandla
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Chellepahad Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Govardhangiri 576322 1169 Hectares 2003
2 Velgonda 576323 1565 Hectares 2500
3 Veepangandla 576324 2705 Hectares 3946
4 Sanginepalle 576325 1405 Hectares 2976
5 Toomkunta 576326 3632 Hectares 3836
6 Sampatraopalle 576327 897 Hectares 1103
7 Konduru 576328 1503 Hectares 2613
8 Singavaram 576329 703 Hectares 475
9 Gopalapuram 576330 895 Hectares 1999
10 Dagada 576331 1503 Hectares 2558
11 Dagadapalle 576332 3035 Hectares 2402
12 Ammaipalle 576333 886 Hectares 1143
13 Miyapuram 576334 1010 Hectares 1982
14 Gaddabaswapuram 576335 478 Hectares 449
15 Bekkam 576336 3473 Hectares 4006
16 Peddamarur 576337 1705 Hectares 3038
17 Chinnamarur 576338 1029 Hectares 1174
18 Koppunur 576339 2075 Hectares 3791
19 Lakshmipalle 576340 3300 Hectares 1414
20 Jataprole 576341 2303 Hectares 3436
21 Ayyavaripalle 576342 783 Hectares 1209
22 Chellepahad 576343 966 Hectares 688
23 Lingasanipalle 576344 496 Hectares -
24 Vellatur 576345 1629 Hectares 1825
25 Solipuram 576346 390 Hectares 337
26 Kalloor 576347 889 Hectares 433

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