
Cherukuru, Kothapalem

Cherukuru, Kothapalem is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Cherukuru, Kothapalem
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Parchur
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Cherukuru, Kothapalem Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Garnepudi 590714 1760 Hectares 2777 523171
2 Edubadu 590715 446 Hectares 1270 523171
3 Inagallu 590716 1569 Hectares 2538 523171
4 Adusumalle 590717 962 Hectares 2064 523169
5 Gollapudi 590718 406 Hectares 1149 523169
6 Cherukuru 590719 2267 Hectares 7080 523169
7 Ramanayapalem 590720 2598 Hectares 1932 523169
8 Bodawadamandagunta 590721 1525 Hectares 1259 523169
9 Devara Palle 590722 820 Hectares 1930 523169
10 Chennubhotla Palem 590723 325 Hectares 642 523171
11 Parchur 590724 2626 Hectares 13375 523169
12 Nuthalapadu 590725 1801 Hectares 5822 523169
13 Upputur 590726 2721 Hectares 7448 523169
14 Veeranna Palem 590727 2443 Hectares 5382 523169

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