
China Kodamagundla, Vepakampalle

China Kodamagundla, Vepakampalle is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : China Kodamagundla, Vepakampalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Karempudi
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest China Kodamagundla, Vepakampalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Miriyala 589861 2039 Hectares 4263 522415
2 Peda Kodamagundla 589862 1913 Hectares 3934 522614
3 Sankarapuram Siddhayi 589863 1421 Hectares 5147 522614
4 China Kodamagundla 589864 825 Hectares 2281 522658
5 Chinagarlapadu 589865 1280 Hectares 2583 522415
6 Chintapalle 589866 1802 Hectares 4254 522658
7 Veeralakshmi Puram 589867 222 Hectares -
8 Voppicherla 589868 2057 Hectares 7157 522614
9 Narmalapadu 589869 1410 Hectares 2483 522415
10 Karempudi 589870 1726 Hectares 14385 522614
11 Petasannigandla 589871 1683 Hectares 5256 522614
12 Singarutla 589872 1606 Hectares 624 522415

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