Chiramandoddi is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Chiramandoddi |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Aspari |
District | : | Kurnool |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Mulugundam | 594169 | 2880 Hectares | 6439 | 518347 |
2 | Dudadudi Kotakonda | 594170 | 1924 Hectares | 2081 | 518263 |
3 | Karumanchi | 594171 | 2134 Hectares | 3730 | 518350 |
4 | Banavanur | 594172 | 1306 Hectares | 2302 | 518347 |
5 | Khyruppala | 594173 | 3003 Hectares | 4814 | 518347 |
6 | Muthkur | 594174 | 2359 Hectares | 4124 | 518347 |
7 | Billekallu | 594175 | 2494 Hectares | 4319 | 518347 |
8 | Yatakallu | 594176 | 2159 Hectares | 2800 | 518347 |
9 | Thurvagal | 594177 | 601 Hectares | 1052 | 518347 |
10 | Tangaradona | 594178 | 2009 Hectares | 3516 | 518347 |
11 | Haligera | 594179 | 1715 Hectares | 3296 | 518347 |
12 | Benigeri | 594180 | 808 Hectares | 2481 | 518347 |
13 | Nagarur | 594181 | 2762 Hectares | 3198 | 518347 |
14 | Chinnahothur | 594182 | 4872 Hectares | 3021 | 518347 |
15 | Chigeli | 594183 | 1505 Hectares | 2928 | 518347 |
16 | Chiramandoddi | 594184 | 905 Hectares | 1487 | 518347 |
17 | Sankarabanda | 594185 | 446 Hectares | 1485 | 518347 |
18 | Chokkanahalli | 594186 | 620 Hectares | 251 | 518347 |
19 | Aspari | 594187 | 4026 Hectares | 7263 | 518347 |
20 | Joharapuram | 594188 | 4440 Hectares | 4501 | 518347 |
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