

Danthalapalle is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Danthalapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Narsimhulapet
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Telangana

Nearest Danthalapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Peddamupparam 578604 1949 Hectares 6793 506318
2 Kalavapalle 578605 224 Hectares -
3 Ramavaram 578606 552 Hectares 536 506318
4 Agapet 578607 616 Hectares 2123 506324
5 Danthalapalle 578608 1271 Hectares 4153 506324
6 Gunnepalle 578609 1031 Hectares 1653 506324
7 Kummarikuntla 578610 924 Hectares 2880 506324
8 Vemulapalle 578611 901 Hectares 2078 506318
9 Reponi 578612 706 Hectares 2395 506324
10 Datla 578613 2115 Hectares 5797 506324
11 Vanthadupula 578614 726 Hectares 1532 506315
12 Narsimhulapet 578615 2932 Hectares 8140 506318
13 Kommulavancha 578616 822 Hectares 3233 506318
14 Jayapuram 578617 736 Hectares 2841 506318
15 Akkirala 578618 503 Hectares -
16 Bojjannapet 578619 490 Hectares 1474 506318
17 Gundamrajupalle 578620 811 Hectares 1477 506104
18 Kausalyadevipalle 578621 490 Hectares 1428 506104
19 Mungimadugu 578622 1340 Hectares 4529 506324
20 Peddanagaram 578623 2004 Hectares 5642 506318

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