Dharmasagar is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Dharmasagar |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Dharmasagar |
District | : | Warangal (Rural) |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Velair | 577711 | 2990 Hectares | 9662 | 506142 |
2 | Peechera | 577712 | 2157 Hectares | 5306 | 506145 |
3 | Gundlasagar | 577713 | 1079 Hectares | 1216 | 506145 |
4 | Sodeshapalle | 577714 | 781 Hectares | 1347 | 506151 |
5 | Mallikudurla | 577715 | 846 Hectares | 2442 | 506151 |
6 | Narayanagiri | 577716 | 1345 Hectares | 4494 | 506142 |
7 | Mupparam | 577717 | 1757 Hectares | 3223 | 506142 |
8 | Devunoor | 577718 | 1418 Hectares | 2563 | 506371 |
9 | Somadevarapalle | 577719 | 469 Hectares | 1468 | 506371 |
10 | Dharmasagar | 577720 | 2142 Hectares | 9350 | 506142 |
11 | Elkurthi (P.D) | 577721 | 2079 Hectares | 4779 | 506142 |
12 | Janakipur | 577722 | 635 Hectares | 1460 | 506151 |
13 | Kyathampalle | 577723 | 805 Hectares | 1548 | 506151 |
14 | Thatikayala | 577724 | 1594 Hectares | 3486 | 506151 |
15 | Peddapendyala | 577725 | 1989 Hectares | 7152 | 506151 |
16 | Rampur | 577726 | 1667 Hectares | 5277 | 506151 |
17 | Dharmapur | 577727 | 875 Hectares | 2418 | 506144 |
18 | Malakpalle | 577728 | 261 Hectares | 3449 | 506003 |
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