Mailaram is belongs to Nizamabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Mailaram |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Dharpalle |
District | : | Nizamabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Mailaram | 571240 | 580 Hectares | 1842 | 503175 |
2 | Challagarga | 571241 | 526 Hectares | 1268 | 503165 |
3 | Dubbak | 571242 | 2196 Hectares | 5563 | 503165 |
4 | Dammannapet | 571243 | 195 Hectares | 2355 | 503165 |
5 | Kesaram | 571244 | 666 Hectares | 725 | 503164 |
6 | Ramadugu | 571245 | 1879 Hectares | 4404 | 503165 |
7 | Konepalle | 571246 | 327 Hectares | - | |
8 | Lolam | 571247 | 2972 Hectares | 6634 | 503164 |
9 | Govindpalle | 571248 | 322 Hectares | 1652 | 503165 |
10 | Dharpalle | 571249 | 3965 Hectares | 11132 | 503165 |
11 | Gouraram | 571250 | 1652 Hectares | 1906 | 503164 |
12 | Vengalpad | 571251 | 226 Hectares | 950 | 503164 |
13 | Nallavalle | 571252 | 2159 Hectares | 4684 | 503164 |
14 | Sirnapalle | 571253 | 3083 Hectares | 3806 | 503164 |
15 | Donkal | 571254 | 1620 Hectares | 1033 | 503164 |
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