
Digamarru & Kothapeta

Digamarru & Kothapeta is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Digamarru & Kothapeta
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Palacole
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Digamarru & Kothapeta Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Aratlakatla 588774 316 Hectares 2739 534250
2 Kapavaram 588775 573 Hectares 3974 534250
3 Chintaparru 588776 238 Hectares 3440 534250
4 Lankalakoderu 588777 1121 Hectares 6759 534250
5 Dagguluru 588778 350 Hectares 5881 534250
6 Ballipadu 588779 187 Hectares 1400 534245
7 Palamuru 588780 126 Hectares 927 534245
8 Sivadevunichikkala 588781 588 Hectares 3555 534245
9 Tillapudi 588782 509 Hectares 2914 534245
10 Velivela 588783 380 Hectares 2160 534245
11 Agarru 588784 887 Hectares 4363 534261
12 Gorintada 588785 254 Hectares 2449 534261
13 Chandaparru 588786 329 Hectares 809 534260
14 Digamarru 588787 552 Hectares 4028 534261
15 Varidhanam 588788 189 Hectares 1645 534260
16 Pedamamidipalle 588789 153 Hectares 1475 534260

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