

Lingampalle is belongs to Adilabad district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Lingampalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Dilawarpur
District : Adilabad
State : Telangana

Nearest Lingampalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Anjani 570304 405 Hectares 627 504203
2 Kurli 570305 1872 Hectares 1955 504203
3 Kadili 570306 558 Hectares 439 504203
4 Malegaon 570307 630 Hectares 795 504203
5 Kalva 570308 1677 Hectares 2917 504306
6 New Lolam (R.C.) 570309 712 Hectares 1486 504203
7 Daryapur 570310 494 Hectares 370 504203
8 Shakapur 570311 210 Hectares -
9 Narsapur 570312 1162 Hectares 5787 504203
10 Naseerabad 570313 263 Hectares 195 504204
11 Rampur 570314 317 Hectares 1923 504203
12 Cherlapalle 570315 204 Hectares 129 504203
13 Temborni 570316 794 Hectares 1783 504203
14 Arli (Buzurg) 570317 595 Hectares -
15 Samanderpalle 570318 405 Hectares 538 504203
16 Chintalkunta 570319 178 Hectares -
17 Gundampalle 570320 544 Hectares 2994 504306
18 Dilawarpur 570321 2645 Hectares 6814 504306
19 Sirgapur 570322 469 Hectares 1447 504203
20 Mayapur 570323 378 Hectares 676 504203
21 Banaspalle 570324 844 Hectares 1185 504203
22 Lingampalle 570325 210 Hectares 164 504203
23 Kothur 570326 340 Hectares -
24 Kanjar 570327 960 Hectares 839 504203
25 Ratnapur (K) 570328 1141 Hectares 259 504203
26 Sangvi 570329 1223 Hectares 1057 504203
27 Mallapur 570330 422 Hectares 343 504203
28 Potpalle (Khurd) 570331 344 Hectares -
29 Mujgi 570332 360 Hectares -
30 Siddankunta 570333 62 Hectares -
31 Velmel 570334 1402 Hectares 1058 504203

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