

Dronadula is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Dronadula
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Martur
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Dronadula Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Nagaraju Palle 590693 1685 Hectares 3872 523301
2 Rajupalem 590694 1203 Hectares 4270 523301
3 Martur 590695 2356 Hectares 21434 523301
4 Bobbe Palle 590696 1311 Hectares 5371 523301
5 Jonna Thali Agraharam 590697 662 Hectares 2387 523301
6 Darsiagraharam 590698 1014 Hectares 3911 523301
7 Valaparla 590699 1397 Hectares 10151 523261
8 Jangamaheswarapuram 590700 992 Hectares 209 523261
9 Lakkavaram Agraharam 590701 230 Hectares 843 523261
10 Bolla Palle 590702 1425 Hectares 4575 523261
11 Kolala Pudi 590703 1560 Hectares 4061 523261
12 Konanki 590704 1742 Hectares 5857 523261
13 Dronadula 590705 2406 Hectares 6921 523261

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