

Edugundlapadu is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Edugundlapadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Maddipadu
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Edugundlapadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Garlapadu 591049 448 Hectares 947
2 Gadiyapudi 591050 541 Hectares -
3 Annangi 591051 1383 Hectares 2243 523211
4 Gundla Palle 591052 945 Hectares 4627 523211
5 Rachavari Palem 591053 942 Hectares 2756 523211
6 Keerthi Padu 591054 493 Hectares 1295 523211
7 Vellam Palle 591055 576 Hectares 2592 523211
8 Kolachanakota 591056 432 Hectares 1855 523211
9 Mallavaram 591057 814 Hectares 2116 523211
10 Venkateswarapuram 591058 148 Hectares -
11 Doddavaram 591059 1510 Hectares 4760 523263
12 Nelatur 591060 963 Hectares 2807 523211
13 Maddipadu 591061 1193 Hectares 6480 523211
14 Seetharampuram 591062 349 Hectares 907 523211
15 Nandipadu 591063 345 Hectares 1157 523211
16 Inamanamellur 591064 2040 Hectares 6871 523211
17 Doddavarappadu 591065 493 Hectares 2059 523211
18 Peda Kotha Palle 591066 1444 Hectares 3736 523211
19 Lingamgunta 591067 869 Hectares 2831 523211
20 Edugundlapadu 591068 687 Hectares 2314 523211

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