

Eletipadu is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Eletipadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Iragavaram
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Eletipadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Relangi 588653 1588 Hectares 14559 534225
2 Kavalipuram 588654 505 Hectares 2632 534222
3 Goteru 588655 244 Hectares 2254 534217
4 Kakulaillindalaparru 588656 224 Hectares 4637 534217
5 Surampudi 588657 206 Hectares 1724 534328
6 Rapaka 588658 339 Hectares 1768 534320
7 Thurupuvipparru 588659 310 Hectares 5093 534320
8 Kannayakumudavalli 588660 262 Hectares 1242 534328
9 Repakakhandrika 588661 118 Hectares 827 534328
10 Pekeru 588662 521 Hectares 4436 534320
11 Itempudi 588663 83 Hectares 1241 534320
12 Eletipadu 588664 153 Hectares 1852 534320
13 Garuvuguntakhandrika 588665 7 Hectares 572 534320
14 Iragavaram 588666 1431 Hectares 9568 534217
15 Kothapadu 588667 368 Hectares 1565 534217
16 Ogidi 588668 257 Hectares 1803 534320
17 Inaparru 588669 380 Hectares 2234 534250
18 Kantheru 588670 368 Hectares 2665 534126
19 Podalada 588671 86 Hectares 891 534126
20 Kathavapadu 588672 275 Hectares 1708 534126
21 Kakileru 588673 394 Hectares 2560 534320

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