

Endroyi is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Endroyi
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Amaravathi
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Endroyi Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Puttipadu 589937 57 Hectares -
2 Munugodu 589938 1946 Hectares 4011 522436
3 Attalur 589939 1524 Hectares 4783 522436
4 Jupudi 589940 463 Hectares 2422 522016
5 Pondugala 589941 758 Hectares 541 522436
6 Malladi 589942 572 Hectares 2582 522020
7 Didugu 589943 2352 Hectares 3152 522020
8 Lingapuram 589944 582 Hectares 4064 522436
9 Dharanikota 589945 3548 Hectares 7534 522020
10 Amaravathi 589946 1170 Hectares 13400 522020
11 Vykuntapuram 589947 1360 Hectares 3126 522020
12 Pedda Madduru 589948 464 Hectares 1400 522020
13 Narukullapadu 589949 941 Hectares 2335 522016
14 Endroyi 589950 877 Hectares 2703 522016
15 Unguturu 589951 1033 Hectares 2768 522016
16 Nemalikallu 589952 1439 Hectares 5812 522018
17 Karlapudi 589953 1193 Hectares 5644 522016

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