

Epuru is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Epuru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Pedapadu
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Epuru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Vempadu 588393 436 Hectares 2277 534004
2 Kokkirapadu 588394 880 Hectares 2177 534004
3 Kalaparru 588395 759 Hectares 2987 534007
4 Gogulapadu 588396 295 Hectares -
5 Vatluru 588397 2219 Hectares 14368 534007
6 Kothuru 588398 328 Hectares 3082 534002
7 Burugagudem 588399 121 Hectares 144 534002
8 Tallagudem 588400 168 Hectares 568 534002
9 Mupparru 588401 1705 Hectares 4062 534002
10 Edulakunta 588402 58 Hectares 66 534002
11 Punukollu II 588403 114 Hectares -
12 Ravulakunta 588404 124 Hectares -
13 Pedapadu II 588405 1368 Hectares 4529 534437
14 Pedapadu I 588406 1441 Hectares 7754 534437
15 Punukollu I 588407 100 Hectares 855 534437
16 Nandikeswarapuram 588408 23 Hectares 212 534437
17 Rajupeta 588409 370 Hectares 622 534437
18 Vasantawada-I 588410 669 Hectares 3179 534437
19 Tallamudi 588411 168 Hectares 7084 534437
20 Epuru 588412 629 Hectares 6849 534115
21 Amrutalingampeta 588413 182 Hectares 1096 534437
22 Vasantawada-II 588414 536 Hectares 237 534437
23 Gogunta 588415 623 Hectares 708 534437
24 Koniki 588416 1266 Hectares 2097 534437
25 Sakalakothapalle 588417 282 Hectares 772 534437
26 Satyavolu 588418 1444 Hectares 3416 534437

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