Eradikera is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Eradikera |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Brahmasamudram |
District | : | Anantapur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Gundiganihalli | 594928 | 325 Hectares | 1510 | 515863 |
2 | Bhyravanithippa | 594929 | 1741 Hectares | 4243 | 515863 |
3 | West Kodipalle | 594930 | 2722 Hectares | 2536 | 515863 |
4 | Eradikera | 594931 | 2032 Hectares | 2508 | 515863 |
5 | Vepalaparthy | 594932 | 1165 Hectares | 3962 | 515863 |
6 | Chelimenahalli | 594933 | 537 Hectares | 1179 | 515863 |
7 | Brahmasamudram | 594934 | 1857 Hectares | 3686 | 515767 |
8 | Yerrakondapuram | 594935 | 525 Hectares | 504 | 515767 |
9 | Bhairasamudram | 594936 | 2915 Hectares | 3528 | 515767 |
10 | Kannepalle | 594937 | 2735 Hectares | 5078 | 515763 |
11 | Theetakal | 594938 | 2572 Hectares | 2229 | 515761 |
12 | Pillalapalle | 594939 | 4649 Hectares | 6028 | 515763 |
13 | Santhekondapuram | 594940 | 4656 Hectares | 6171 | 515767 |
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