Etheru, Marripudi, Chundurupalle is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Etheru, Marripudi, Chundurupalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Bapatla |
District | : | Guntur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Jillellamudi | 590457 | 246 Hectares | 1070 | 522113 |
2 | Gopapuram | 590458 | 592 Hectares | 1021 | 522310 |
3 | Poondla | 590459 | 1112 Hectares | 2846 | 522310 |
4 | Etheru | 590460 | 680 Hectares | 3433 | 522310 |
5 | Palaparthipadu | 590461 | 90 Hectares | - | |
6 | Gudipudi | 590462 | 270 Hectares | 1698 | 522310 |
7 | Neredupalle | 590463 | 371 Hectares | 57 | 522111 |
8 | Bharthipudi | 590464 | 225 Hectares | 1341 | 522317 |
9 | Appikatla | 590465 | 791 Hectares | 1831 | 522310 |
10 | Velicherla | 590466 | 333 Hectares | - | |
11 | Mulapalem | 590467 | 1420 Hectares | 1634 | 522113 |
12 | Jammulapalem | 590468 | 1117 Hectares | 1399 | 522101 |
13 | Cheruvu | 590469 | 1740 Hectares | 4263 | 522113 |
14 | Narasayapalem | 590470 | 1579 Hectares | 5219 | 522113 |
15 | Murukondapadu | 590471 | 2367 Hectares | 8820 | 522317 |
16 | Kankatapalem | 590472 | 1864 Hectares | 4313 | 522317 |
17 | Bapatla West (R) | 590473 | 1590 Hectares | 8719 | 522101 |
18 | Bapatla East (R) | 590474 | 3356 Hectares | 8908 | 522101 |
19 | Maruproluvaripalem (R) | 590475 | 1955 Hectares | 8895 | 522101 |
20 | Adivi | 590476 | 1693 Hectares | 7581 | 522101 |
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