Etigadda Mohmdapur is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Etigadda Mohmdapur |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kulcharam |
District | : | Medak |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Paithara | 573179 | 788 Hectares | 1918 | 502381 |
2 | Konapur | 573180 | 393 Hectares | 1112 | 502381 |
3 | Etigadda Mohmdapur | 573181 | 492 Hectares | 978 | 502381 |
4 | Yenigandla | 573182 | 1325 Hectares | 3082 | 502381 |
5 | Rangampet | 573183 | 819 Hectares | 3889 | 502381 |
6 | Thukkapur | 573184 | 217 Hectares | 571 | 502381 |
7 | Sangaipet | 573185 | 769 Hectares | 2220 | 502381 |
8 | Variguntham | 573186 | 1231 Hectares | 2743 | 502381 |
9 | Serivariguntham | 573187 | 39 Hectares | 360 | 502381 |
10 | Kulcharam | 573188 | 1811 Hectares | 4717 | 502381 |
11 | Chinnaghanpur | 573189 | 1429 Hectares | 3023 | 502381 |
12 | Appajipalle | 573190 | 83 Hectares | 304 | 502381 |
13 | Venkatapur | 573191 | 1212 Hectares | 553 | 502381 |
14 | Pothamsettipalle | 573192 | 958 Hectares | 2134 | 502381 |
15 | Kistapur | 573193 | 228 Hectares | 1681 | 502381 |
16 | Rampur | 573194 | 921 Hectares | 1393 | 502381 |
17 | Amsanpalle | 573195 | 1596 Hectares | 2351 | 502109 |
18 | Nainjalalpur | 573196 | 821 Hectares | 602 | 502381 |
19 | Kongode | 573197 | 703 Hectares | 1297 | 502381 |
20 | Pothireddipalle | 573198 | 386 Hectares | 739 | 502381 |
21 | Tummalapalle | 573199 | 176 Hectares | 243 | 502381 |
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