

Gompa is belongs to Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Gompa
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Ravikamatham
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Gompa Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Chalisingam @ Demudukonda 585833 773 Hectares 403 531114
2 Cheemalapadu 585834 2268 Hectares 1974 531114
3 Dharmavaram 585835 477 Hectares 360 531114
4 Z.Kothapatnam 585836 131 Hectares 1747 531114
5 Z.Bennavaram 585837 661 Hectares 2989 531114
6 T.Arjapuram 585838 1039 Hectares 5102 531114
7 Kotnabilli 585839 376 Hectares 1005 531114
8 Badanapadu 585840 311 Hectares 108 531025
9 Kavagunta 585841 212 Hectares 823 531025
10 Buddibanda 585842 200 Hectares 168 531025
11 Krishnabhupala Puram Agraharam 585843 340 Hectares 853 531025
12 Matsyapuram 585844 130 Hectares 276 531025
13 Komira 585845 236 Hectares 716 531025
14 Chinapachila 585846 106 Hectares 2526 531025
15 Gummallapadu 585847 121 Hectares 1040 531025
16 Pedapachila 585848 224 Hectares 317 531025
17 Garnikam 585849 223 Hectares 1485 531114
18 Ravikamatham 585850 224 Hectares 4677 531025
19 Gudiwada 585851 790 Hectares 3145 531025
20 Marupaka 585852 656 Hectares 2849 531025
21 Medivada 585853 724 Hectares 4597 531025
22 Kanada 585854 142 Hectares 264 531025
23 Diddi 585855 134 Hectares 12 531025
24 Gogamcheedipalle 585856 595 Hectares 1157 531114
25 Machchavanipalem 585857 240 Hectares 1194 531114
26 Dondapudi 585858 686 Hectares 3747 531114
27 Kothakota 585859 1052 Hectares 14669 531114
28 Marrivalasa 585860 859 Hectares 1375 531114
29 Pulakandam Ponavolu 585861 746 Hectares 1317 531114
30 Guddipa 585862 1729 Hectares 2400 531114
31 Gompa 585863 557 Hectares 2289 531025
32 Tattabanda 585864 1556 Hectares 2543 531025
33 Totakurapalem 585865 1353 Hectares 2634 531025
34 Pasuvulabanda 585866 - -
35 Zeelugulova 585867 - -

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