Gudala is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Gudala |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Allavaram |
District | : | East Godavari |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Bodasakurru | 587860 | 595 Hectares | 6036 | 533215 |
2 | Allavaram | 587861 | 1063 Hectares | 9993 | 533217 |
3 | Gudala | 587862 | 599 Hectares | 3144 | 533218 |
4 | Tadikona | 587863 | 350 Hectares | 1662 | 533217 |
5 | Yentrikona | 587864 | 299 Hectares | 2044 | 533217 |
6 | Devaguptam | 587865 | 1281 Hectares | 8298 | 533217 |
7 | Rellugadda | 587866 | 369 Hectares | 985 | 533217 |
8 | Godilanka | 587867 | 412 Hectares | 1750 | 533217 |
9 | Godi | 587868 | 477 Hectares | 4723 | 533217 |
10 | Thurupulanka | 587869 | 400 Hectares | 1707 | 533217 |
11 | Mogallamuru | 587870 | 384 Hectares | 2741 | 533210 |
12 | Bendamurulanka | 587871 | 1403 Hectares | 8576 | 533210 |
13 | Komaragiripatnam | 587872 | 3767 Hectares | 13197 | 533210 |
14 | Samanthakuru | 587873 | 541 Hectares | 3386 | 533217 |
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