Gudimetla is belongs to Krishna district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Gudimetla |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Chandarlapadu |
District | : | Krishna |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Katrenipalle | 589167 | 334 Hectares | - | |
2 | Gudimetla | 589168 | 2385 Hectares | 4516 | 521182 |
3 | Brahmabotlapalem | 589169 | 133 Hectares | 543 | 521182 |
4 | Konayapalem | 589170 | 1352 Hectares | 5965 | 521182 |
5 | Medipalem | 589171 | 310 Hectares | - | |
6 | Munagala Palle | 589172 | 400 Hectares | 1353 | 521183 |
7 | Muppalla | 589173 | 1584 Hectares | 5877 | 521183 |
8 | Bobbellapadu | 589174 | 1061 Hectares | 1346 | 521183 |
9 | Gudimetlapalem | 589175 | 381 Hectares | - | |
10 | Ustepalle | 589176 | 751 Hectares | 640 | 521182 |
11 | Chandarlapadu | 589177 | 1353 Hectares | 10958 | 521182 |
12 | Thurlapadu | 589178 | 1816 Hectares | 4390 | 521182 |
13 | Thotaravulapadu | 589179 | 1208 Hectares | 3516 | 521183 |
14 | Chintalapadu | 589180 | 2093 Hectares | 4361 | 521183 |
15 | Patempadu | 589181 | 500 Hectares | 270 | 521183 |
16 | Kodavatikallu | 589182 | 1773 Hectares | 4112 | 521182 |
17 | Kasarabada | 589183 | 885 Hectares | 1288 | 521182 |
18 | Pokkunuru | 589184 | 862 Hectares | 1941 | 521182 |
19 | Punnavalli | 589185 | 262 Hectares | 910 | 521182 |
20 | Veladi | 589186 | 622 Hectares | 2722 | 521182 |
21 | Popuru | 589187 | 673 Hectares | 676 | 521182 |
22 | Vibhareetapadu | 589188 | 416 Hectares | 1444 | 521182 |
23 | Eturu | 589189 | 1148 Hectares | 3115 | 521182 |
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