Gudipet is belongs to Adilabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Gudipet |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Mancherial |
District | : | Adilabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Ryali | 570591 | 3721 Hectares | 902 | 504208 |
2 | Nagaram | 570592 | 3229 Hectares | 1408 | 504208 |
3 | Gadhpur | 570593 | 4426 Hectares | 816 | 504209 |
4 | Pochammapad | 570594 | 1234 Hectares | - | |
5 | Gudipet | 570595 | 2581 Hectares | 2748 | 504208 |
6 | Subbapalle | 570596 | 1731 Hectares | 3793 | 504208 |
7 | Hussainsagar | 570597 | 516 Hectares | - | |
8 | Peddampet | 570598 | 1553 Hectares | 1758 | 504208 |
9 | Kondapur | 570599 | 397 Hectares | 351 | 504208 |
10 | Donabanda | 570600 | 680 Hectares | 3218 | 504207 |
11 | Padthenpalle | 570601 | 533 Hectares | 1460 | 504208 |
12 | Karnamamidi | 570602 | 607 Hectares | 2312 | 504207 |
13 | Kondepalle | 570603 | 330 Hectares | 473 | 504208 |
14 | Rapalle | 570604 | 985 Hectares | 2274 | 504208 |
15 | Hajipur | 570605 | 370 Hectares | 675 | 504209 |
16 | Narsingapur | 570606 | 426 Hectares | 1487 | 504208 |
17 | Namnur | 570607 | 401 Hectares | 2228 | 504207 |
18 | Chandanapur | 570608 | 357 Hectares | 618 | 504208 |
19 | Mulkalla | 570609 | 824 Hectares | 3074 | 504208 |
20 | Kothapalle | 570610 | 141 Hectares | 669 | 504208 |
21 | Vempalle | 570611 | 708 Hectares | 1412 | 504208 |
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