

Gummanampadu is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Gummanampadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Bollapalle
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Gummanampadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Ayyannapalem 590055 2649 Hectares 1840 522614
2 Garikapadu 590056 3032 Hectares 5674 522614
3 Mellavagu 590057 1064 Hectares 4731 522614
4 Gummanampadu 590058 2414 Hectares 3523 522614
5 Remidicherla 590059 2325 Hectares 3653 522663
6 Gandiganumala 590060 1507 Hectares 3850 522663
7 Ravulapuram 590061 2237 Hectares 3604 522663
8 Gutlapalle 590062 2776 Hectares 5762 522657
9 Kanumalacheruvu 590063 522 Hectares 3111 522657
10 Perurupadu 590064 2055 Hectares 3439 522657
11 Vellatur 590065 3109 Hectares 8120 522657
12 Bollapalle 590066 1344 Hectares 4727 522659
13 Vaddemgunta 590067 1691 Hectares 4246 522657
14 Sarikondapalem 590068 896 Hectares 1806 522657

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