Hasakothur is belongs to Nizamabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Hasakothur |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kammarpalle |
District | : | Nizamabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Uploor | 570825 | 1877 Hectares | 4912 | 503308 |
2 | Dammannapet | 570826 | 239 Hectares | 544 | 503308 |
3 | Nagapur | 570827 | 460 Hectares | 1143 | 503308 |
4 | Kammar Palle | 570828 | 1689 Hectares | 6865 | 503308 |
5 | Hasakothur | 570829 | 1458 Hectares | 4574 | 503308 |
6 | Choutupalle | 570830 | 1467 Hectares | 4759 | 503308 |
7 | Basheerabad | 570831 | 1844 Hectares | 3981 | 503225 |
8 | Konasamandar | 570832 | 919 Hectares | 3874 | 503307 |
9 | Lakshmapur | 570833 | 297 Hectares | - | |
10 | Dammanpet (Ameernagar) | 570834 | 1418 Hectares | 1442 | 503307 |
11 | Narsapur | 570835 | 1514 Hectares | 1327 | 503307 |
12 | Inayat Nagar | 570836 | 789 Hectares | 835 | 503307 |
13 | Konapur | 570837 | 2753 Hectares | 2351 | 503325 |
14 | Guntepalle | 570838 | 561 Hectares | - | |
15 | Belur | 570839 | 787 Hectares | - | |
16 | Gudilingapur | 570840 | 1178 Hectares | 72 | 503325 |
17 | Reachpalle | 570841 | 1489 Hectares | - | |
18 | Manal | 570842 | 5370 Hectares | 6086 | 503307 |
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