Neradigonda (K) is belongs to Adilabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Neradigonda (K) |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Ichoda |
District | : | Adilabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Adegaon (Khurd) | 569597 | 734 Hectares | 1497 | 504307 |
2 | Gubba | 569598 | 576 Hectares | 194 | 504307 |
3 | Junni | 569599 | 515 Hectares | 786 | 504307 |
4 | Babuldhole | 569600 | 200 Hectares | 5 | 504307 |
5 | Boregaon | 569601 | 1406 Hectares | 1504 | 504307 |
6 | Kamgir | 569602 | 486 Hectares | 588 | 504307 |
7 | Ponna | 569603 | 819 Hectares | 1707 | 504307 |
8 | Sunkidi | 569604 | 389 Hectares | 718 | 504307 |
9 | Sirikonda | 569605 | 944 Hectares | 2582 | 504307 |
10 | Heerapur | 569606 | 344 Hectares | 357 | 504307 |
11 | Soanpalle | 569607 | 762 Hectares | 1535 | 504307 |
12 | Dhoba (Buzurg) | 569608 | 491 Hectares | 646 | 504307 |
13 | Talamadri | 569609 | 489 Hectares | 1323 | 504307 |
14 | Madapur | 569610 | 1021 Hectares | 1238 | 504105 |
15 | Jamidi | 569611 | 511 Hectares | 1130 | 504307 |
16 | Adegaon (Buzurg) | 569612 | 357 Hectares | 563 | 504307 |
17 | Girjam | 569613 | 690 Hectares | 1064 | 504307 |
18 | Chincholi | 569614 | 558 Hectares | 650 | 504307 |
19 | Navagaon | 569615 | 397 Hectares | 1049 | 504307 |
20 | Dhaba Khurd | 569616 | 308 Hectares | 691 | 504307 |
21 | Salyada | 569617 | 429 Hectares | 430 | 504307 |
22 | Malyal | 569618 | 630 Hectares | 885 | 504307 |
23 | Mankapur | 569619 | 491 Hectares | 545 | 504307 |
24 | Dharmapuri | 569620 | 395 Hectares | 650 | 504307 |
25 | Jalda | 569621 | 511 Hectares | 703 | 504307 |
26 | Kokasmannar | 569622 | 1239 Hectares | 2155 | 504307 |
27 | Makhra (Buzurg) | 569623 | 599 Hectares | 1742 | 504307 |
28 | Makhra (Khurd) | 569624 | 316 Hectares | 560 | 504307 |
29 | Gundi | 569625 | 187 Hectares | 186 | 504307 |
30 | Keshapatnam | 569626 | 594 Hectares | 2591 | 504307 |
31 | Narsapur | 569627 | 646 Hectares | 1937 | 504307 |
32 | Gundala | 569628 | 543 Hectares | 2723 | 504307 |
33 | Neradigonda | 569629 | 1531 Hectares | 941 | 504307 |
34 | Lingapur | 569630 | 492 Hectares | 85 | 504307 |
35 | Gaidpalle | 569631 | 368 Hectares | 155 | 504307 |
36 | Gandiwagu | 569632 | 790 Hectares | 349 | 504307 |
37 | Babjepet | 569633 | 1263 Hectares | 489 | 504307 |
38 | Jogipet | 569634 | 1250 Hectares | 338 | 504307 |
39 | Sirichalma | 569635 | 235 Hectares | 1896 | 504307 |
40 | Narayanapur | 569636 | 743 Hectares | 723 | 504307 |
41 | Neradigonda (K) | 569637 | 105 Hectares | 572 | 504307 |
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