

Kommala is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kommala
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Jaji Reddi Gudem
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kommala Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Wardhamanu Kota 576644 4203 Hectares 7284 508279
2 Nagaram 576645 985 Hectares 2534 508299
3 Devaraneni Kotha Palle 576646 981 Hectares 2330 508279
4 Parsai Palle 576647 692 Hectares 1931 508279
5 Bollam Palle 576648 443 Hectares 933 508279
6 Jajireddi Gudem 576649 3585 Hectares 9223 508222
7 Kesaram 576650 269 Hectares -
8 Uyyalawada 576651 501 Hectares 896 508222
9 Kunchamarthi 576652 403 Hectares 1057 508222
10 Thimmapuram 576653 1419 Hectares 2928 508222
11 Adivemula 576654 1457 Hectares 1801 508222
12 Velpu Cherla 576655 538 Hectares 585 508222
13 Kasarla Pahad 576656 972 Hectares 2188 508222
14 Kommala 576657 1622 Hectares 3908 508222
15 Kodur 576658 1391 Hectares 3187 508222

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