

Munpalle is belongs to Nizamabad district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Munpalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Jakranpalle
District : Nizamabad
State : Telangana

Nearest Munpalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Munpalle 570883 1529 Hectares 4736 503224
2 Lakshmapur 570884 861 Hectares 1729 503224
3 Narayanpet 570885 295 Hectares 1174 503224
4 Argul 570886 1326 Hectares 4069 503224
5 Brahmanpalle 570887 538 Hectares 2621 503224
6 Thorlikonda 570888 1952 Hectares 4413 503224
7 Kolipaka 570889 909 Hectares 2376 503224
8 Jakranpalle 570890 1362 Hectares 6228 503175
9 Madhapur 570891 277 Hectares 538 503175
10 Poppalpalle 570892 391 Hectares 2020 503175
11 Sikindrapur 570893 737 Hectares 2208 503175
12 Padkal 570894 1687 Hectares 4760 503175
13 Keshpalle 570895 909 Hectares 2114 503175
14 Manoharabad 570896 551 Hectares 949 503175
15 Kaligote 570897 1134 Hectares 4054 503175
16 Chintalur 570898 690 Hectares 1516 503175

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