

Jangamguntlapalem is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Jangamguntlapalem
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Medikonduru
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Jangamguntlapalem Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Korrapadu 590225 1458 Hectares 3103 522438
2 Paladugu 590226 1254 Hectares 3702 522401
3 Siripuram 590227 1641 Hectares 8766 522401
4 Varagani 590228 636 Hectares 1916 522401
5 Mandapadu 590229 791 Hectares 2922 522401
6 Velavarthipadu 590230 1018 Hectares 2165 522438
7 Potlapadu 590231 354 Hectares 1027 522438
8 Medikonduru 590232 2146 Hectares 10046 522438
9 Ponugupadu Khandrika 590233 126 Hectares -
10 Mangalagiripadu 590234 227 Hectares 1908 522438
11 Dokiparru 590235 792 Hectares 5489 522438
12 Visadala 590236 1155 Hectares 2537 522438
13 Pericherla 590237 1666 Hectares 16563 522005

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