Thimmapur is belongs to Adilabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Thimmapur |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Jannaram |
District | : | Adilabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Indhanpalle | 570009 | 2666 Hectares | 2730 | 504205 |
2 | Kothapet | 570010 | 221 Hectares | 671 | 504215 |
3 | Kawal | 570011 | 4502 Hectares | 2808 | 504215 |
4 | Kishtapur | 570012 | 2335 Hectares | 4656 | 504205 |
5 | Kamanpalle | 570013 | 390 Hectares | 1865 | 504215 |
6 | Raindlaguda | 570014 | 513 Hectares | 2577 | 504215 |
7 | Marriguda | 570015 | 486 Hectares | 1499 | 504215 |
8 | Murimadugu | 570016 | 917 Hectares | 2880 | 504215 |
9 | Venkatapur | 570017 | 409 Hectares | 402 | 504215 |
10 | Narsingapur | 570018 | 1627 Hectares | 249 | 504215 |
11 | Kalmadagu | 570019 | 826 Hectares | 2933 | 504205 |
12 | Dharmaram | 570020 | 483 Hectares | 1627 | 504205 |
13 | Badampalle | 570021 | 547 Hectares | 3796 | 504205 |
14 | Puttiguda | 570022 | 913 Hectares | 380 | 504215 |
15 | Ponakal | 570023 | 1031 Hectares | 8320 | 504205 |
16 | Jannaram | 570024 | 1567 Hectares | 2956 | 504205 |
17 | Juviguda | 570025 | 1079 Hectares | - | |
18 | Paidpalle | 570026 | 521 Hectares | 93 | 504215 |
19 | Dongapalle | 570027 | 2490 Hectares | 194 | 504215 |
20 | Bommena | 570028 | 58 Hectares | 286 | 504215 |
21 | Papammaguda | 570029 | 265 Hectares | 791 | 504215 |
22 | Chintaguda | 570030 | 1515 Hectares | 4961 | 504205 |
23 | Malyal | 570031 | 2595 Hectares | 157 | 504215 |
24 | Singaraipet | 570032 | 2272 Hectares | 2834 | 504215 |
25 | Thimmapur | 570033 | 463 Hectares | 1509 | 504215 |
26 | Rampur | 570034 | 505 Hectares | 1709 | 504215 |
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