
K.Kottapalle Kolabhimuni Padu

K.Kottapalle Kolabhimuni Padu is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : K.Kottapalle Kolabhimuni Padu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Markapur
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest K.Kottapalle Kolabhimuni Padu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Jammana Palle 590845 731 Hectares 1131 523326
2 Nikaram Palle 590846 792 Hectares 1840 523327
3 Peda Nagulavaram 590847 691 Hectares 2161 523329
4 Idupur 590848 3003 Hectares 4364 523329
5 Gajjala Konda 590849 2785 Hectares 4567 523315
6 Peda Yachavaram 590850 3263 Hectares 4610 523315
7 Markapur (R) 590851 2919 Hectares 1481 523316
8 Vemula Kota 590852 2049 Hectares 5540 523329
9 Kolabhimunipadu 590853 1099 Hectares 1540 523326
10 Akkacheruvu 590854 608 Hectares 262 523329
11 Gottipadia 590855 771 Hectares 2012 523329
12 Thippaya Palem 590856 1709 Hectares 2874 523329
13 Bhupathi Palle 590857 1930 Hectares 3944 523332
14 Bondala Padu 590858 1070 Hectares 796 523332
15 Malyavanthuni Padu 590859 682 Hectares 1633 523336
16 Badekhanpeta 590860 210 Hectares 183 523329
17 Chintakunta 590861 2033 Hectares 4450 523329
18 Sivaram Puram 590862 157 Hectares 139 523329
19 Yella Puram 590863 124 Hectares -
20 Krishnapuram 590864 60 Hectares -
21 Narasimha Puram 590865 231 Hectares 165 523329
22 Goguladinne 590866 800 Hectares 1778 523371
23 Rayavaram 590867 1432 Hectares 6422 523326

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