
K.Yenugupalle, R.Yenugupalle

K.Yenugupalle, R.Yenugupalle is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : K.Yenugupalle, R.Yenugupalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : P.Gannavaram
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest K.Yenugupalle, R.Yenugupalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Ganti Pedapudi 587780 435 Hectares 4150 533274
2 Udumudi 587781 787 Hectares 7145 533274
3 Kundalapalle 587782 187 Hectares 2436 533240
4 Narendrapuram 587783 1274 Hectares 8254 533220
5 Bellampudi 587784 338 Hectares 2935 533240
6 Lankalagannavaram 587785 381 Hectares 5444 533240
7 Patha Gannavaram 587786 495 Hectares 9459 533240
8 Pothavaram 587787 687 Hectares 3860 533214
9 Munganda 587788 539 Hectares 5297 533214
10 Mungandapalem 587789 231 Hectares 1679 533214
11 Munjavaram 587790 248 Hectares 1672 533214
12 Katharlanka 587791 39 Hectares 1017 533214
13 Karupallipadu 587792 33 Hectares 593 533240
14 Vainateya Kothapalle 587793 318 Hectares 2063 533240
15 Mondepu Lanka 587794 246 Hectares 2397 533240
16 Vadrevupalle 587795 312 Hectares 2626 533249
17 Manepalle 587796 1075 Hectares 11069 533249
18 Yenugupalle 587797 381 Hectares 3210 533240

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