
Kadiyedda & Neeladripuram

Kadiyedda & Neeladripuram is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kadiyedda & Neeladripuram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Tadepalligudem
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Kadiyedda & Neeladripuram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Veerampalem 588319 1193 Hectares 4316 534101
2 Kunavaram 588320 408 Hectares -
3 Kommugudem 588321 1368 Hectares 5074 534101
4 Apparaopeta 588322 1404 Hectares 7998 534145
5 Kadiyedda 588323 2176 Hectares 7478 534101
6 Jaggannapeta 588324 944 Hectares 2283 534101
7 Venkatramannagudem 588325 609 Hectares 2942 534101
8 Tadepalle 588326 2303 Hectares 11081 534101
9 Kondruprolu 588327 1036 Hectares 5349 534101
10 Padala 588328 421 Hectares 2446 534101
11 Kunchanapalle (Part) 588329 1144 Hectares 6152 534101
12 Arugolanu 588330 1935 Hectares 10580 534146
13 Madhavaram 588331 1689 Hectares 6509 534145
14 Jagannadhapuram 588332 1734 Hectares 7862 534145
15 Nandamuru 588333 289 Hectares 1505 534146
16 Arulla 588334 687 Hectares 970 534146
17 Nawabpalem 588335 282 Hectares 2711 534146
18 Krishnayapalem 588336 304 Hectares 2874 534146

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