

Kadloor is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kadloor
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Tekmal
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Kadloor Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Yelupugonda 573200 1476 Hectares 3295 502302
2 Bodagat 573201 2198 Hectares 1191 502302
3 Yellupet 573202 839 Hectares 1694 502302
4 Shabad 573203 82 Hectares 1382 502302
5 Yellampalle 573204 613 Hectares 1416 502302
6 Hasanmohmadpalle 573205 504 Hectares 1157 502302
7 Achannapalle 573206 346 Hectares 1403 502302
8 Yelkurthi 573207 908 Hectares 1622 502302
9 Korampalle 573208 702 Hectares 1381 502302
10 Eklaspur 573209 291 Hectares 570 502302
11 Tekmal 573210 2243 Hectares 8212 502302
12 Tamploor 573211 992 Hectares 2145 502302
13 Kadloor 573212 884 Hectares 2134 502302
14 Bodmatpalle 573213 462 Hectares 1435 502269
15 Bardipur 573214 784 Hectares 1440 502302
16 Dadaipalle 573215 314 Hectares 885 502302
17 Malkapur 573216 176 Hectares 596 502302
18 Palvancha 573217 493 Hectares 1871 502302
19 Dhannaram 573218 865 Hectares 2036 502302
20 Kusangi 573219 558 Hectares 2014 502270

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