Kampasamudram & Margopalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kampasamudram & Margopalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Chitvel |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Malemarpuram | 593627 | 3562 Hectares | 6420 | 516128 |
2 | Mallemadugu | 593628 | 3103 Hectares | 28 | 516104 |
3 | Chintala Chelika | 593629 | 811 Hectares | 330 | 516104 |
4 | Rajukunta | 593630 | 660 Hectares | 1203 | 516104 |
5 | Mylapalle | 593631 | 2255 Hectares | 2846 | 516104 |
6 | Devamachupalle | 593632 | 1027 Hectares | 903 | 516104 |
7 | Chitvel | 593633 | 845 Hectares | 8943 | 516104 |
8 | Kampasamudram | 593634 | 974 Hectares | 2528 | 516104 |
9 | Bhakrapuram | 593635 | 181 Hectares | 1142 | 516104 |
10 | Cherlopalle | 593636 | 1543 Hectares | 1048 | 516104 |
11 | Thimmayapalem | 593637 | 274 Hectares | 651 | 516104 |
12 | K.S.Agraharam | 593638 | 487 Hectares | 2294 | 516104 |
13 | Nagiripadu | 593639 | 2113 Hectares | 4759 | 516110 |
14 | Nethivaripalle | 593640 | 372 Hectares | 1279 | 516110 |
15 | Thummakonda | 593641 | 483 Hectares | 1401 | 516110 |
16 | Maharajapuram @Siddareddipalle | 593642 | 1922 Hectares | 1072 | 516110 |
17 | K.V.R.R. Puram | 593643 | 259 Hectares | 644 | 516110 |
18 | Kalvavarikandrika | 593644 | 18 Hectares | - | |
19 | Nagavaram | 593645 | 1198 Hectares | 4613 | 516101 |
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