

Kanampalle is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kanampalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Garladinne
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kanampalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Penakacherla 594978 3284 Hectares 4792 515731
2 Koppalakonda 594979 1567 Hectares 1886 515774
3 Kesavapuram 594980 1222 Hectares 1144 515774
4 Muntimadugu 594981 1015 Hectares 1723 515774
5 Kalluru Agraharam 594982 871 Hectares 9404 515774
6 Kalluru 594983 868 Hectares 1841 515774
7 Illuru 594984 1800 Hectares 3388 515611
8 Kanampalle 594985 1929 Hectares 1818 515731
9 Ankampeta 594986 91 Hectares 211 515774
10 Sirivaram 594987 1191 Hectares 1080 515731
11 Krishnapuram 594988 1047 Hectares 2942 515731
12 Yerraguntla 594989 3319 Hectares 4780 515731
13 Kotanka 594990 1789 Hectares 2225 515731
14 Marthadu 594991 2931 Hectares 6140 515731
15 Budedu 594992 996 Hectares 1472 515731
16 Garladinne 594993 2250 Hectares 7766 515731
17 Obulapuram 594994 284 Hectares 104 515731
18 Jambuladinne 594995 571 Hectares 1064 515731

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