
Kandadu & Saraswathi Kandriga

Kandadu & Saraswathi Kandriga is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kandadu & Saraswathi Kandriga
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Yerpedu
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kandadu & Saraswathi Kandriga Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Pallam 595774 1347 Hectares 2019 517620
2 Chintalapalem 595775 1255 Hectares 2850 517620
3 Pangur 595776 1040 Hectares 2631 517620
4 Pagali 595777 666 Hectares 685 517620
5 Katrakayalagunta 595778 93 Hectares 362 517620
6 Sreenivasapuram 595779 220 Hectares 194 517620
7 Durgiperi 595780 106 Hectares 530 517620
8 Krishnampalle 595781 175 Hectares 453 517620
9 Nachaneri 595782 159 Hectares 445 517620
10 Nagampalle 595783 102 Hectares 447 517620
11 Chindepalle 595784 806 Hectares 816 517620
12 Merlapaka 595785 932 Hectares 2253 517620
13 Yerpedu 595786 466 Hectares 3185 517620
14 Seetharampet 595787 100 Hectares 362 517620
15 Venkatapuram 595788 90 Hectares 416 517620
16 Peddanjimedu 595789 269 Hectares 1030 517620
17 Isukathageli 595790 143 Hectares 1216 517620
18 Pathaveerapuram 595791 277 Hectares 1526 517620
19 Chinnajimedu 595792 680 Hectares 1043 517620
20 Kobaka 595793 963 Hectares 2084 517620
21 Mannasamudram 595794 893 Hectares 3580 517620
22 Modugulapalem 595795 421 Hectares 979 517620
23 Musalipedu 595796 1327 Hectares 1778 517620
24 Kandadu 595797 1306 Hectares 4344 517620
25 Mahankalideviputtur 595798 722 Hectares 2902 517620
26 Munagalapalem 595799 209 Hectares 947 517620
27 Arugorla Khandriga 595800 18 Hectares -
28 Madhavamala 595801 571 Hectares 1294 517620
29 Vikruthamala 595802 650 Hectares 8416 517620
30 Pennagadam 595803 334 Hectares 1242 517620
31 Penumallam 595804 963 Hectares 2061 517620
32 Vedulla Cheruvu 595805 200 Hectares -
33 Gudimallam 595806 431 Hectares 2071 517620
34 Chellur 595807 1035 Hectares 2242 517620

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