

Kandalampadu is belongs to Krishna district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kandalampadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kankipadu
District : Krishna
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kandalampadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Velpuru 589485 789 Hectares 2230 521104
2 Uppaluru 589486 675 Hectares 5105 521151
3 Manthena 589487 501 Hectares 2347 521151
4 Tenneru 589488 737 Hectares 3646 502260
5 Maredumaka 589489 266 Hectares 997 521260
6 Jagannadhapuram 589490 421 Hectares 606 521260
7 Edupugallu 589491 938 Hectares 9263 521151
8 Punadipadu 589492 683 Hectares 7235 521151
9 Kolavennu 589493 1230 Hectares 5076 521151
10 Godavarru 589494 964 Hectares 3457 521151
11 Madduru 589495 927 Hectares 3019 521151
12 Prodduturu 589496 398 Hectares 2441 521151
13 Konathanapadu 589497 190 Hectares 1681 521151
14 Davuluru 589498 365 Hectares 1490 521151
15 Chalivendrapalem 589499 159 Hectares 1043 521245
16 Neppalle 589500 333 Hectares 1949 521245
17 Kandalampadu 589501 103 Hectares 296 521245
18 Kunderu 589502 807 Hectares 3065 521245

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