

Kandibanda is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kandibanda
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Mella Cheruvu
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kandibanda Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Mella Cheruvu 577591 5797 Hectares 18550 508246
2 Kandibanda 577592 2256 Hectares 5225 508238
3 Revuru 577593 5222 Hectares 11719 508246
4 Donda Padu 577594 2864 Hectares 9093 508246
5 Chinthalapalem 577595 2941 Hectares 6597 508246
6 Vajinepalle 577596 809 Hectares 1621 508246
7 Gudimalkapuram 577597 302 Hectares 2598 508246
8 Yepalamadharam 577598 2131 Hectares 2646 508246
9 Thammaram 577599 2241 Hectares 3497 508246
10 Chintriyala 577600 2003 Hectares 5676 508246
11 Reballe 577601 639 Hectares 880 508246
12 Adlur 577602 1028 Hectares 2530 508246
13 Vellatur 577603 2786 Hectares 2574 508246
14 Nemalipuri 577604 1377 Hectares 1476 508246

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