

Potpalle is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Potpalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kangti
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Potpalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Degulawadi 572699 1521 Hectares 2497 502286
2 Chowkanpalle 572700 1475 Hectares 1622 502286
3 Borgi 572701 1411 Hectares 2383 502286
4 Chapta [B] 572702 821 Hectares 1038 502286
5 Ghanpur 572703 391 Hectares 808 502287
6 Jamgikhurd 572704 437 Hectares 1158 502287
7 Jamgiburg 572705 708 Hectares 2114 502287
8 Yampalle 572706 61 Hectares 1 502287
9 Valmoor 572707 153 Hectares -
10 Tadkal 572708 1094 Hectares 3856 502287
11 Murkunjal 572709 255 Hectares 1015 502287
12 Chapta [Khurd] 572710 1073 Hectares 1540 502286
13 Kangti 572711 1704 Hectares 4207 502286
14 Bheemra 572712 882 Hectares 1997 502286
15 Nagoor [K] 572713 588 Hectares 1390 502286
16 Nagoor [B] 572714 1045 Hectares 1860 502286
17 Turkwadgaon 572715 1870 Hectares 3507 502286
18 Sukalteerth 572716 657 Hectares 1277 502286
19 Gajulpahad 572717 833 Hectares 1845 502286
20 Rasole 572718 353 Hectares 1045 502287
21 Bhanswada 572719 307 Hectares 736 502287
22 Damaragiddi [Panchamahal] 572720 822 Hectares 1432 502286
23 Gardegaon 572721 320 Hectares 1173 502287
24 Naganpalle 572722 679 Hectares 1199 502287
25 Potpalle 572723 639 Hectares 1195 502287
26 Ramathirath 572724 463 Hectares 1262 502286
27 Sidhangarga 572725 998 Hectares 1598 502286
28 Enkemori 572726 974 Hectares 1106 502286
29 Wasar 572727 1487 Hectares 3652 502286
30 Wangdhal 572728 937 Hectares 1939 502286
31 Goudgaon [K] 572729 469 Hectares 544 502287
32 Chimal Pahad 572730 346 Hectares 1217 502287
33 Sangam 572731 259 Hectares 360 502287

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